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Hungarian Grammar - Questions

Hi Hungarian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will focus on questions in Hungarian. As an experienced Hungarian language teacher, I can assure you that mastering the art of asking questions is crucial in order to communicate effectively with native speakers. Moreover, questions are fundamental in learning through conversations with native speakers. Therefore, it is important to understand the different types of questions and the grammar rules that come along with them.

To improve your Hungarian Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

Types of Questions[edit | edit source]

Before we dive into grammar, let's review the different types of questions in Hungarian:

  • Yes/No Questions: These questions have a simple expected answer of "yes" or "no". For example, "Are you hungry?"
  • WH-Questions: These questions start with a question word such as "who", "what", "where", "when", "why", or "how". For example, "What is your favorite color?"
  • Alternative Questions: These questions offer a choice between two options. For example, "Do you prefer tea or coffee?"
  • Tag Questions: These questions are often used to confirm something that has been said. For example, "You like pizza, don't you?"

Now that we've reviewed the different types of questions, let's focus on the grammar rules that come along with each type of question.

Yes/No Questions[edit | edit source]

In Hungarian, yes/no questions are formed simply by placing the verb before the subject. For example:

  • "EgyĂ©l tejet?" ("Are you eating milk?")
  • "Szereted a zenĂ©t?" ("Do you like music?")

Notice how in these examples, the verb "eat" and "like" comes before the subject, "you" and "music". Here are some more examples:

Hungarian Pronunciation English
TalĂĄlkozom veled este? Ta-lál-ko-zom ve-led e-ste? Will I meet you in the evening?
MenjĂŒnk moziba? Men-yünk mo-zi-ba? Shall we go to the cinema?
Van kedved elmenni a koncertre? Van kéd-ved el-men-ni a kon-cer-tre? Do you feel like going to the concert?

WH-Questions[edit | edit source]

In Hungarian, WH-questions are formed the same way as yes/no questions, except they start with a question word. For example:

  • "MiĂ©rt sĂ­rsz?" ("Why are you crying?")
  • "HĂĄny Ă©ves vagy?" ("How old are you?")

Notice how in these examples, the question words "why" and "how many" come before the verb and subject, respectively. Here are some more examples:

Hungarian Pronunciation English
HovĂĄ mĂ©sz? Hó-vá més? Where are you going?
Mikor jöttĂ©l haza? Mi-kor jöt-tél ha-za? When did you come home?
Kivel talĂĄlkoztĂĄl? Ki-vel ta-lál-ko-ztál? Who did you meet?

Alternative Questions[edit | edit source]

In Hungarian, alternative questions are formed simply by adding "vagy" (or) between the two options. For example:

  • "Te vagy nĂĄla, vagy nĂĄlam?" ("Are you with him, or with me?")
  • "LeĂŒljek, vagy menjek?" ("Should I sit down, or leave?")

Notice how "vagy" separates the two options. Here are some more examples:

Hungarian Pronunciation English
Ezt szeretnĂ©d tej nĂ©lkĂŒl, vagy cukor nĂ©lkĂŒl? Ez-t sze-ret-néd téj nél-kül, vagy cu-kor nél-kül? Do you want this without milk or sugar?
GyĂŒmölcsös vagy csokolĂĄdĂ©s desszertet kĂ©rsz? Gyümölc-sös va-gy cso-ko-ládés desz-ser-tet kérsz? Do you want a fruit or chocolate dessert?
KimegyĂŒnk az udvarra, vagy maradunk bent? Ki-mégyünk az ud-var-ra, va-gy ma-ra-du-nuk bent? Shall we go outdoors, or stay inside?

Tag Questions[edit | edit source]

In Hungarian, tag questions are formed by adding "ugye" at the end of the sentence. For example:

  • "Állsz, ugye?" ("You are standing, aren't you?")
  • "Szereted a zenĂ©t, ugye?" ("You like music, don't you?")

Notice how "ugye" is added at the end, making it a tag question. Here are some more examples:

Hungarian Pronunciation English
JĂłl Ă©rzed magad, ugye? Jól ér-zed ma-gad, ugye? You're feeling good, right?
VĂ©geztĂ©l a feladattal, ugye? Vé-gez-tél a fe-la-dat-tal, ugye? You finished the task, didn't you?
Kapsz segĂ­tsĂ©get, ugye? Kap-sz se-gít-séget, ugye? You'll get help, right?

By mastering these grammar rules, you'll be able to ask different types of questions confidently in Hungarian! Now, let's practice with a dialogue:

  • Person 1: "Hol talĂĄlom a boltot?" ("Where can I find the store?")
  • Person 2: "Az utcĂĄn tĂșl kell elhaladnia, majd balra fordulnia." ("You need to go past the street and then turn left.")
  • Person 1: "Mennyi idƑbe telik eljutni az ĂĄllomĂĄsra?" ("How long does it take to get to the station?")
  • Person 2: "KörĂŒlbelĂŒl 15 perc." ("Around 15 minutes.")
  • Person 1: "Mikor kezdƑdik a koncert?" ("When does the concert start?")
  • Person 2: "Este nyolckor." ("At 8 pm.")

Great job! Now that you're familiar with these grammar rules, don't be afraid to use them in real-life situations. Practice often and improve your skills.

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