Moldova - Polyglot Network



Bun venit in reţeaua PolyglotClub Moldova. Aici te poţi bucura de posibilitatea de a invaţa o limba noua, de aţi face noi prieteni şi de a-ţi îmbogaţi cunoştintele despre diferite culturi.


cologne123 profile picture cologne123November 2018

Hi all, i am here in Chisinau now and like the charming idea to find people for learning two languages together. Tomorrow i will visit Tiraspol for a day or two, then i have to go back to Germany for some work, before i start my next trip. Finally i want to find the right place to stay for some month and learn Russian and maybe Romanian language somewhere.


Hallo zusammen, ich bin gerade in Kischinau und finde die Idee gemeinsam zwei Sprachen zu lernen ganz zauberhaft. Ich werde morgen für ein, zwei Tage nach Tiraspol reisen und bin sehr gespannt. Danach geht es wieder zurück nach Köln in Deutschland, wo ich lebe und arbeite, bevor ich mich dann wieder zur nächsten Reise aufmache. Schlussendlich suche ich den richtigen Platz, wo ich für einige Monate bleiben möchte um Russisch und vielleicht auch Rumänisch zu lernen.

adriana10 profile picture adriana10August 2016

Bună tuturor .Mă numesc Adriana .Caut persoane ce cunosc franceza ,mai vorbim ,ne mai îmbogățim vocabularul .Pot ajuta cu româna pe cei care doresc ))

lose_me_english profile picture lose_me_englishSeptember 2013
• If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go? Why? What famous person would you like to meet? What questions would you like to ask him/her?
nikolae_96 profile picture nikolae_96September 2012
I want to practice english with somebody!I speak english well , but i want to grow my vocabulary!My skype is nikolae_96.I am 15 years old.
Catherine0904 profile picture Catherine0904July 2013
Hello. I want to practice my English (speach). Help please. My skype is Catherine 090492. Thank you
Tatiannna profile picture TatiannnaSeptember 2012
nustiu dece dar nu am dispozitie : cea mai pesimista sint... cea mai ghinionista


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